The Benefits of Google Analytics To Your Business

Google Analytics doesn’t just provide insights to your website data, it is also a valuable tool to the commercial success of your business. How? Well from marketing campaign optimisation through to budget allocation, look at the benefits of Google Analytics to your business.

Starting with a little overview of what Google Analytics actually is. Google Analytics is a web-based platform which allows you to collect various data about the visitors to your website. Allowing you to collect and analyse information about everything from how the user arrived at your website, what they did whilst on your website, whether or not they converted, if they did convert you can set a figure to the cost of that conversion, as well as offering lots of additional information about the user themselves.

google analytics

Business benefits

Basing your business decisions on analytics data is a sure way to ensure you have enough evidence to suggest that you aren’t simply throwing your money away. In other words, making sure that you get a Return on Investment (ROI).

Google Analytics is split into four key reporting areas, which are:

  • Audience (who is visiting your website)
  • Acquisition (how they are get there)
  • Behaviour (what they are do once there)
  • Conversions (did they do what you wanted them to)

Each of the above components is useful for different purposes.

There are four comprehensive business benefits of Google Analytics:

  • Optimising your marketing campaigns
  • Improving the usability of your website
  • Identification or confirmation of target audience
  • Allocation of budgets

Optimising your marketing campaigns

Optimising your marketing campaigns is an on-going process, but unless you measure the steps that you are taking, you could actually be making changes, which mean your campaigns perform worse than previously. This is where your Google Analytics data is a huge benefit. By understanding what works and, as importantly, what doesn’t, you can be sure to invest optimising the right activities, and dropping those that don’t work.

Improving the usability of your website

By understanding how visitors use your website, you can determine where your website fails those users on their journey. This can be as simple as viewing which pages have the highest bounce rate where users simply leave, through to in-depth content analysis, so you get a more of an understanding to what type of content users want.

The Behaviour and Conversions reports within Google Analytics are really useful sections for understanding how your website’s usability satisfies your potential customers. With behaviour reports you can determine which pages users engage with the most, then you know those where the engagement requires further work. Conversions reports help you understand where users drop out of the conversion process. The identified steps can then have additional optimisation applied.

Audience reports also offer some extra information for improving the usability of your website. Understanding which devices and operating systems users are using most regularly to visit your website, you can make decisions to ensure your website is giving the user the best experience.

Identification or confirmation of target audience

Good chance you already have an idea of who your audience is. Audience reports within Google Analytics allow you to confirm if your thinking is correct. Offering a whole host of user-specific information and for understanding your target audience, these reports are a must. This information includes elements such as:

  • User locations
  • Age
  • Gender
  • And even interests

By getting to understand as much as possible about your audience, you not only ensure your marketing ads and campaigns hit the interests of your audience, but you can also make sure you are targeting the correct locations or the correct devices etc.

Allocation of budgets

Having the knowledge of what works and what doesn’t, by using the reports identified above, you can quickly decide where best to allocate further budgeting. There are reports within Google Analytics, which actually offer you a percentage budget increase/decrease dependent on the specific model of attribution you choose to use. What more helpful data do you need than that?

Google Analytics also helps you identify gaps in your budget allocation. For instance, by using the user location report you may identify, that 20% of your visitors are coming from Reading – an area you previously would not invest in. Now you can make the decision with regard to a requirement for budget to be allocated to go after these potential customers in this location.

The benefits of Google Analytics to your business, for the purpose of allocation of budgets, means that you can better measure the ROI of your marketing campaigns in order to ensure you are investing in those elements which are going to deliver you the best return in the future.

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